8 Days in Iceland!

Took a break for 8 days in Iceland, Land of Fire and Ice, and really looking forward to this weekend of shows! Here's some posts from the trip and hope you enjoy. It's great to take a break once in a while and be able to recharge!


Greetings from Reykjavik, Iceland! Another world… Photo taken awake for 36 hours (made it to 42 before resting)… Looking forward to exploring today!… A lot to see and do…Good Times!
No shows this weekend and definitely looking forward to shows next week in NY!

I may have traveled to a different planet!
Overwhelmed with not only the beauty of Iceland, but the incredible geographic diversity. Simply beautiful to downright breathtaking sights and more surprises everyday. Even with all the rain and no sun in the past 3 days, the stops throughout the country are incredible. I haven’t even taken any photos with my good camera lens so far due to all the rain, and still happy with the opportunity to see and take photos of the amazing sights.
Have hundreds of photos and it’s only been 3 days. I’ll post some random photos here and there until I get a chance to develop and group them somehow into posts with explanations… Hope you enjoy…
Wow!, just when I thought I would be experiencing “another world” here in Iceland, I stumbled upon a beautiful hidden garden park. It seems to be just after peak season of autumn here.
Spent an hour here completely by myself and couldn’t believe the colors and sights. I thought would be experiencing FOMO of the Upstate, NY autumn season while on this trip. I think this will hold me over ‘til I get back…Many more photos of this beautiful garden park to come…
Good Morning!… Waking up to a beautiful morning in Iceland!.. I may see the sun today! Super excited to see a clear sky after 4 days of rain…
I think I may be finally adjusting to waking up @ 2:00am NY time everyday too…
Look!…I just landed on Mars. Is the Curiosity Rover still here?… Maybe I can get a photo…
Another World
Fun fact: This photo was taken 3.9 miles away from yesterday’s autumn tree path photo… so diverse…
Wow!… that’s a lot of waterfalls, I have no idea how to count them… If anyone has the answer or a good guess, let me know!
(It actually keeps going, but that’s all that would fit in the frame)
Iceland is Gorges too!
The sun was out for 2 hours yesterday!…
A “group” of “rams”(I’m sure I can be corrected) greeted me in the sunshine… (actually running towards to me in elation, then arriving next to me and expressing complete indifference to my existence)
This one was definitely the leader… He did his best to give me his pose of magnificence…
Spent probably a half hour wondering if they would warm up, but they were in their own world doing they’re own ram thing… Great moments and glad to spend the sunshine with them…
Waterfalls!… Gorges!… This was definitely massive!
Good morning!…Ice in Iceland! Just when I thought I saw all of the possible geological landscapes, I was then greeted with glaciers, icebergs, and smaller floating ice pieces (quick search called them bergy bits and growlers). It was cold, windy and cloudy, but the rain let up for a bit here which was really nice…
This glacier seems to have a melted heart.
Beautiful icebergs, don’t know how they are so blue…
I was all set and pressed the shutter button with a 2 second delay to take a self photo with the icebergs…
How is it possible someone can hop in and pose with a peace signfor their own photo taken by her friend, while simultaneously having the peace sign become bunny ears behind me for a deluxe photo bomb?…
Thought it would be great to get a photo with the icebergs…this was definitely better…
Behind the waterfall…
Woke up super early today and made it to a nearby waterfall at sunrise (the sun was bright @ sunrise this morning).
It was so great to be alone without the crowds which can get a little busy at times.
Was able to go behind the falls, chill out for a while and take some photos… What a beautiful sight…
So many waterfalls in Iceland, many more way bigger and fierce. This one was one of my favorites. The setting and view was pristine…
Geyser! (Geysir in Icelandic)
Icelandic Horses
So friendly… they actually stand as close to the road as possible (inside a barbed wire fence, I didn’t see any free roaming) and seems like they wait for humans to stop by.
I wonder how they can see with the eyelashes over their eyes and over their faces too.
The white one was the friendliest, actually queueing me to put the camera down.
Icelandic horses have never had natural predators and don’t get spooked… very easygoing.
I had a couple extra minutes today and have a few photos.
Night photo of Akureyri…The “Capital of the North” and 2nd largest city in Iceland.
It can be almost completely daylight all summer and almost completely dark for the winter here.
It was about 7:00am sunrise to 7:00pm on this trip…
Had the absolute best dinner here a couple of nights ago.… all locally sourced and super fresh.
Actually, all of the food on the whole trip was amazing here…
Back in NY!
I have so many more photos of the Iceland trip and hope to post more soon. Glad everyone seems to enjoy the photos. It was an incredible journey!
It was a last minute decision to visit Iceland and really glad to make it. I could go again for another 8 days and have a completely different experience.
Quick recap… I arrived in Reykjavík (Capital of Iceland) and then drove the famous “Ring Road”… total of 1470 miles in 8 days. It has so many places of interest along the way and had a list of places to visit and found even more along the way. I thought this would be a great time to go since the crowds would be less than summer season (tourism has quadrupled in the last 15 years) and a chance to see the northern lights. I didn’t see them, but not disappointed in any way… it was truly hard to process all of the beautiful sights multiple times a day and hope to go back another time.
I would definitely look into the many camper vans that were all over the country… unlimited opportunities to see anything anywhere, without the pressure of finding and making it to specific accommodations every night. Camping laws are really laid back and saw many camper vans camped at many different places (they have heaters too).
Hotels were great to get a warm night’s sleep and a great breakfast every morning… usually a snack (packed a bunch) for lunch and a great dinner wherever I ended up staying (food was so fresh everywhere and the water was so pure…everyone drinks tap water, even in the finest dining restaurants). I couldn’t believe I didn’t have one beer/wine/drink on the whole trip. Didn’t plan on it, just didn’t happen…
The MVP award goes to the hiking boots I bought before the trip. I really believe I walked/hiked at least 50 (80?) miles and was great to have a pair of waterproof ankle high boots that felt like sneakers and was a true joy to walk…great tread too since I was carrying my camera and camera bag everywhere over mud, mossy/sharp rocks, steep cliffs, creeks etc… Also glad to pack warm layers… Temperatures ranged from 32-50 degrees. The cold temperatures with rain for 6 out of the 8 days and high winds was a lot and was glad to be prepared. One morning had icy roads.
Thanks again for liking and commenting on the photos over the past few days. I usually go on an adventure, then make one post when I return. It was nice to get to post the photos along the way with a brief explanation to each one. Don’t want to invade everyones feed with photos everyday with non interesting posts, and hope it was enjoyed.
Hope to post more soon!
Really looking forward to practicing the next couple of days for the weekend!… 3 awesome shows in NY @ Landon’s in Watkins Glen, The Switzerland Inn in Hammondsport and then the Octoberfest event @ Madrona in Chenango Forks.. Can’t wait and hope to see you soon!